Basics in wood machining: forces, energy and physical phenomena

Basics in wood machining: forces, energy and physical phenomena
30 septembre
Videoconference TEAMS, start at 15:00

Pr Bernard Thibaut is a French researcher in the field of wood  science. He is member  of the French Academy of Agriculture (AAF) and of the International  Academy of Wood Science (IAWS).  His scientific expertise covers the whole forest value chain from  forest inventory to wood machining with a strong emphasis on  tree biomechanics.

Pr Bernard Thibaut

Pr Bernard Thibaut has worked and interacted with many scientists  and was a leader in the field of wood  machining. With this presentation,  he was asked to provide a high-level  introduction to the fundamentals of wood  machining.

This webinar is divided in two parts. During  the  first forty   minutes, Pr Bernard Thibaut will provide an overview of wood machining concepts linked to the creation of a free surface while he will answer questions submitted via  the chat during and after his presentation in the second.

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