Arts et Métiers and VINCI Energies sign a partnership agreement.

Hervé Adam, Directeur Général VINCI Energies France et Alexandre Rigal, Directeur Général Délégué d’Arts et Métiers

On Nov 7, 2018, Hervé Adam, Managing Director of VINCI Energies  and Alexandre Rigal, Vice President of Arts et Métiers signed a 3 year partnership agreement at the Chalons en Champagne campus of Arts et Métiers.

VINCI Energies and Arts et Métiers  aim to reinforce their collaboration through closer links between the 8 campuses of A&M and the different locations of VINCI Energies throughout the French regions.  This partnership fits perfectly with the A&M strategy as the major technology institute serving the industry of the future, particularly with the participation of companies in the institute’s  research & development actions, as well as in the academic programs.

Alexandre Rigal, Vice President of Arts et Métiers said « Arts et Métiers and VINCI share a common vision for the future and both are implanted throughout the French territories playing a major role in regional economic development. Thanks to this partnership, VINCI Energies will beable to be present and organize different events in our 8 campuses”


Hervé Adam, Mananging Director of Vinci Energies, accelerator of energy transition and digital transformation,  added “ this commitment to Arts et Métiers will allow us to promote the Vinci image and model to talented students whose career aspirations are in line with those of the Vinci group. Arts et Métiers trains engineers that match exactly our industry need. We are looking to recruit engineers that are pragmatic with an international mind set which represents our sector of activity: energy transition, the smart industry, the smart city…

VINCI Energies have committed to sponsoring different actions at Arts et Métiers over an initial 3 year period (2018-2021) and will include:

  • technological research of excellence
  • Accompanying students towards an entrepreneurial mindset .
  • developing  a digital training program
  • creating technological platforms to encourage innovation and active learning

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Développement durable, Témoignage, Entrepreneuriat, Innovation