Arts et Métiers is an official partner of the “Usine Extraordinaire” (Extraordinary Factory) event taking place in the Grand Palais in Paris 22 to 25 November 2018

Bannière Usine Extraordinaire

This “factory” which will make you change your ideas as to what a factory is! the slogan for this extraordinary event taking place over 4 days.

You’ll find out what goes on behind the scenes of factories today, the modern, inspiring and connected places of production. More than 50 000 people are expected to attend to participate in immersive experiments, meet and speak with technicians, engineers, production leaders and students who will share their vision of the factory of the future.

This event, placed under the high patronage of the President of France,  is organized in collaboration with many industry partners, (Michelin, Engie, Sanofi, Altran, Accenture, Microsoft..)it is a completely new and unique event in the world,

This event is a must for Arts et Métiers, whose ambition is to be an accelerator of talent for the industry of the future. A&M is at the forefront as an official partner of this event and will actively be participating:

  • guided tours organized by our students of the factory organized for schools
  • participate in robotics and virtual reality demonstrations to discover the research activities carried out by A&M laboratories.
  • visit the exhibition “women in technology” which was made in 2017 by Arts et Métiers highlighting through photos and text,. the life of 18 young female engineers.
  • Prof Laurent Champaney, President of Arts et Métiers will be  a speaker in conferences

Dernières actualités

Créé en 1935, le Grand Gala est depuis toujours un évènement important pour la vie de l’école, de la ville et des étudiants. 

Actualité, Vie étudiante

Pour la première année a eu lieu la remise des diplômes des étudiants du Master MTI3D « Management des Technologies Interactives 3D » de l’

Actualité, Formations

Avec plus de 1 000 participants issus des 8 campus Arts et Métiers, les « Grandes UAI » (Union Athlétique Inter-Gadazarique) constituent un évènement sportif majeur dans la vie des élèves ingénieurs.

Actualité, Vie étudiante

Anciennement incubée au sein de l'incubateur Arts et Métiers, Marion BASTE et son associée Auriane Lefebvre ont créé en 2023 la société Materialys, gamme commerciale de Valterio.

Développement durable, Témoignage, Entrepreneuriat, Innovation