The Arts et Métiers community comes together to support businesses

soutien entreprises covid arts et métiers

While companies are severely affected by the consequences of Covid-19, the Arts et Métiers community is mobilizing to help 1,500 SMEs and VSEs to restart their activity.

Arts et Métiers and Arts et Métiers Alumni have designed a support program for VSEs / SMEs.
This program, entitled GARAS (for Guide to Supporting Safe Return to Work measures), aims to help companies when restarting their activity by supporting them in the implementation of health protection measures for their employees.

Through the support of the 8 Arts et Métiers campuses, this new service aims to be as close as possible to companies of all sizes, throughout France.

The GARAS program is divided into two parts :

A kit comprising all the health protection information necessary for people going back to work (arrangement of work stations and schedules, organization and logistics, etc.)

The possibility to welcome a student engineer from Arts and Métiers in the company to implement these various measures. This internship will be adapted to the specific mission and will count as an integral part of his/her course.

For more information, please contact :

Supporting Industry : an Arts et Métiers mission

GARAS is part of the strategy deployed by Arts et Métiers as a socio-economic player serving regions and industry. It is the first of many projects that the Arts et Métiers community has launched  in order to help with the  restarting of French Industry

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