N+i students

Visuel présentant un melting pot d'étudiants

The N+i programme has been created for international students (free movers) who speak little to no French.

Students can apply either for the Grand Ecole Engineering Programme or the two-year Master’s programme. In both cases, the length of studies is two years full-time (four semesters).

The Engineering programme is taught in French.

The 2-year Master’s programme is taught in English.

Online application form and calendar are available on the N+i website.

Admission requirements

Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree (in Science or Engineering) and fulfill the language requirements:

  • For the Engineering programme : justify, no later than April 1st of the previous academic year, a B2 level in French, attested by a DELF.
  • For the Master’s programme: TOEFL iBT 81/120 (or equivalent) or IELTS 6.0

Admitted students will spend their 1st year of studies at our campus in Paris. The 2nd year campus will be selected according to the chosen major.

Tuition fees

N+i students are considered as free moving students; therefore they have to pay full tuition fees at Arts et Métiers. Also, they must be able to cover their personal living expenses, including mandatory insurance.

Moreover, specific charges are to be paid to the N+i network for the Integration Packages.

Study programme

The study programme for the Master’s course is detailed here.

Students admitted to the Grande Ecole Programme enter directly the 4th year. In order to be awarded the Engineering degree they must pursue three semesters of classes and carry out a 6-month internship in industry.

The first semester of their 1st year of studies, named “Package of Methodology Integration (PIM)” runs from September to January and consists of three main units: French culture and language, Engineering sciences, Technology.

In the 2nd semester (from February to June), students take classes either in Industrial or Mechanical Engineering, depending on their previous educational background.

In the final year each student choses, among the 32 options offered, the one that suits him the most. During the 2nd semester of their final year students carry out a 6-month internship/placement in industry. Each option is taught in a specific campus. Final year courses start late September or in January. More information is available in French.

Dernières actualités

Créé en 1935, le Grand Gala est depuis toujours un évènement important pour la vie de l’école, de la ville et des étudiants. 

Actualité, Vie étudiante

Pour la première année a eu lieu la remise des diplômes des étudiants du Master MTI3D « Management des Technologies Interactives 3D » de l’

Actualité, Formations

Avec plus de 1 000 participants issus des 8 campus Arts et Métiers, les « Grandes UAI » (Union Athlétique Inter-Gadazarique) constituent un évènement sportif majeur dans la vie des élèves ingénieurs.

Actualité, Vie étudiante

Anciennement incubée au sein de l'incubateur Arts et Métiers, Marion BASTE et son associée Auriane Lefebvre ont créé en 2023 la société Materialys, gamme commerciale de Valterio.

Développement durable, Témoignage, Entrepreneuriat, Innovation